Membership/Volunteer Information

Rotary is built on the twin philosophies of “Fellowship” and “Service”.

We ensure regular fellowship events are included in our annual calendar. These may be be as casual as a chat over a meal, coffee or a drink after a club meeting, project or during a group weekend outing. Alternatively we may organise social functions and weekends away with participation in pre-planned activities.

As regards getting involved in Serving others that are less fortunate that ourselves, you may have identified a need in your own community you wish to address and are wondered how you could help and how you can get the support of others like-minded people for your worthy cause. Maybe you want to gain further personal skills or use your professional skills to help others. Maybe you’re seeking connections with other service-minded professionals in your community or abroad.

Rotary seeks to attract adults over 30 who are community and business leaders, problem-solvers, professionals and friends interested in taking action to create lasting positive change in our communities and ourselves for the good of all. Whatever your interest in Rotary, it is a respected business oriented organisation that can assist you in helping to meet many community needs, feed your personal development interests and much more. Why not attend a few club meetings and see what we are about?

For more information about Rotary or to attend a meeting, kindly contact our Member Development Officer – CLICK HERE.