
Service Projects

Bethany Home for Abused Women & Their Children

Bethany Home (Reg.001-362-NPO), founded in 1989 and located in Bertrams, Johannesburg, is a shelter and place of rehabilitation for abused women and their children housing about 55 women and their children, at any one time. Each woman is provided with legal assistance, rehabilitation of self-esteem, training for employment and education for her children during the period of her stay of typically 12 months. Bethany Home residents are also offered counselling, art and craft activities for therapy and income generation, work and accommodation placements.

Read more about Bethany Home.


The Bethany Home premises, built in the mid-1900’s, are in need of substantial maintenance for which the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon are raising R350,000 for the following projects:

  1. Bathrooms: Replacement of corroded piping, worn facilities and tiling in 4 bathrooms.
  2. Electrical wiring: Rewiring of the building. The faulty and hazardous old wiring being a health and fire hazard.
  3. Painting: Both the outside and inside of the building are in need of painting.

Securing the requirements for this project will require a combination of donations of materials, cash and services from companies and individuals, Rotary Global and District Grants and the execution of a successful fundraising golf day on 20th April 2017 at the Modderfontein golf course.

If you are willing to assist with a donation or wish to participate in the Bethany Home Charity Golf day please download the Golf Day Participation Details form below, email the completed form back to us and we will contact you to confirm your participation.

Download: RCKP 2017 Bethany Home Fundraising Brief Golf Day V3


The Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon has for a long time been a supporter of Bethany Home, assisting with fundraising and identifying donors that contribute to the ongoing supply of:

  • Basic food stuffs for the women and their children such as canned food, maize meal and vegetables.
  • Toiletries, clothing and other personal items for the women and their children
  • The identification of training opportunities for the women that will lead to job opportunities that are essential to their self-sustenance once they are able to leave the shelter.

If you are willing to assist with a donation of any of the above or wish to participate in the Bethany Home Charity Golf day please select the button below to insert your contact and participation details an email form and we will contact you.

Read more about Bethany Home.

Gerald Fitzpatrick Home

Founded in 1933, the mission of the Gerald Fitzpatrick Home is to provide a self, sustaining, independent and secure home for elderly ladies of limited means. The Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon supports this NPO by assisting with fundraising and identifying donors that contribute to the ongoing supply of vegetables and milk.

In July of each year the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon organises a “Christmas in July” lunch for the ladies, providing a turkey dinner, Christmas pudding and entertainment. A small celebration for the ladies that is looked forward to with relish.

To provide a self-sustaining, independent and secure home for elderly ladies of limited means.

Read more about Gerald Fitzpatrick Home.

Probus Pendragon

The Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon founded Probus Pendragon at Leisure View Village, in 1993. The club meets the first Tuesday of each month at Leisure View Village, 203 First Avenue, Edenvale, 1609 at 5pm for 5.30pm at which speakers are invited to present to the club and visitors are welcome by arrangement.
PROBUS is an association of retired and semi-retired persons who join together in autonomous Clubs throughout the world to stimulate thought, interest and participation in activities at a time of life when horizons are narrowing and opportunities to make new friends is limited.
The word PROBUS is an abbreviation of the words PROfessional and BUSiness, but membership is not restricted to these two groups. It embraces also former executives of Government and other organizations and, in fact, any person who has had a measure responsibility in any field of endeavour. The basic purpose of a Probus Club is to provide regular gatherings of persons who, in retirement, appreciate and value opportunities to meet others in similar circumstances and who enjoy a similar levels of interest.
All Probus clubs are sponsored by Rotary, but on formation are autonomous, independent of Rotary and independent of each other. Past membership of Rotary is not a requirement for potential members of Probus. In fact most Probians have not been Rotarians.
Visitors, please call Valerie Irons on 011  452-3846 to arrange for your attendance.

Read more about Probus Clubs.

Retina SA – Ride for Sight

Retina South Africa’s mission as a non-profit organisation (NPO 003-184), self-help organisation is to restore the wonderful gift of sight to young children and adults living with low or degenerating vision or blindness caused by genetic retinal eye conditions. For 30 years we have pursued this dream and through the miracle of modern day medical science a proven ‘CURE IS IN SIGHT’. We will continue to push forward and provide invaluable information, knowledge, know- how and support to thousands of South Africans and many more Africans, who will benefit, to maximise and preserve their existing vision and to help them live fruitful and productive lives. We will not stop until all forms of genetic retinal eye conditions are cured and then, and only then will we close our doors.

Since the inception of the project in 1989, the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon has been providing volunteer street marshals for the annual Dischem “Ride for Sight” fundraising cycle race held on the streets of Boksburg in February of each year. From humble beginnings in the early 1990’s this event has become a major event on the cycling calendar attracting thousands of riders.

Read more about Retina SA.