Bethany Home (Reg.001-362-NPO), founded in 1989 and located in Bertrams, Johannesburg, is a shelter and place of rehabilitation for abused women and their children housing about 55 women and their children, at any one time. Each woman is provided with legal assistance, rehabilitation of self-esteem, training for employment and education for her children during the period of her stay of typically 12 months. Bethany Home residents are also offered counselling, art and craft activities for therapy and income generation, work and accommodation placements. More information at Bethany Home
The Bethany Home premises, built in the mid-1900’s, are in need of substantial maintenance for which the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon is raising R150,000 for the following projects:
1. Bathrooms: Replacement of corroded piping, worn facilities and tiling in 4 bathrooms.
2. Electrical wiring: Rewiring of the building. The faulty and hazardous old wiring being a health and fire hazard.
3. Painting: Both the outside and inside of the building are in need of painting.
Securing the R150,000 needed for this project will require a combination of donations from companies and individuals, Rotary Global and District Grants and the execution of a successful fundraising golf day on 20th April 2017 at the Modderfontein golf course.
Corporate donors are invited to contribute funds, services and materials to this worthy project, as well as participate in the fundraising golf day. In return, donors are offered the following benefits, as appropriate:
1. Corporate Social Investment (CSI) tax deductibility of donations (excluding 4 ball entry fees) via the issue of section 18A certificates.
2. Corporate BBBEE scorecard points: Beneficiaries in Bethany Home are more than 75% Black South Africans.
3. Project photographs and reports for use on corporate websites and newsletters.
4. Advertising at the fundraising golf day of 20th April 2017. See the advertising options below.
Donations can be paid directly to the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon, Bethany Home Maintenance Project, Standard Bank, Greenstone Branch, Account No.02 279 668 1 with proof of payment and contact details of the donor being emailed to Bill Brunjes at
The Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon is a member club of Rotary International, a global organisation of 1.2 million professional and business people united in service of those less fortunate. Founded in 1905, in Chicago, USA, the Rotary International organisation, through its Rotary Foundation and its members, has made significant, meaningful and lasting positive real change to improve the lives of ordinary people around the world. These changes are sometimes incredibly large such as the eradication of Poliomyelitis from the face of this earth to smaller projects which are locally focused within our communities enabling us to leverage the full benefits of our membership of Rotary International. Rotary is defined not by who we are but rather by the work we do and the potential that Rotary gives us.
To participate in the fundraising golf day on 20th April 2017, please complete the form below and email it to Bill Brunjes on fax 011 450-3512 or email Call 082 443-1519 for further information.
For further information please see the event page or download the pamphlet and form below.
RCKP 2017 Bethany Home Maintenance Project Fundraising Brief