Lagae la Nnete is a registered public benefit organisation located on a farm in Mulderdrift, NorthWest of Johannesburg. The name means “A Real Home” and the object of the charity is to help anyone who has suffered a setback in life by housing, counselling and creating job opportunities for them.
The farm is a place for Men who, through divorce, addiction, loss and financial strife, have suffered a setback in life. Men who find themselves in a state of hopelessness or despair, and can’t go on without help. It’s a place to rebuild, a place for residents to get back on track, to regain control of their lives. Through fellowship, counselling, work programs and skills development, the men get a chance to start again, the right way. The farm is not an institution but is, in every sense, A Real Home.
There is also a women’s programme and the intention of establishing women’s and children’s homes at a future date.
Everyone at Legae la Nnete participates in a three month program where they need to work through the Celebrate Recovery program, compiled by Pastor Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church. This course takes participants through the 12 steps with the 8 beatitudes of the Bible integrated into them. Once a resident is ready to move forward, they are assisted in finding work and are then allowed to stay on, while being assisting to learn life skills such as budgeting etc. until they have the financial means to move on and be independent of Lagae. The farm can currently house 22 people but the building of more facilities is underway to help with the huge need.
The Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon supports Lagae la Nnete with ad hoc funding for projects, sourcing donations of materials and equipment and securing paid work opportunities for the men on the farm. The latter being necessary for both skills development and the generation of income to sustain the men and Legae la Nnete.
Should you be interested in assisting this worthy cause, please contact the Service Projects Director at the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon or visit the charities website at