Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon Celebrates 29th Anniversary

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The Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon was chartered on 29th June 1989 with 33 founder members, the same day as the new Rotary Clubs of Warsaw and Moscow were chartered. The club members celebrated their 29 years of service to the community with a dinner off the same menu as that of the Club’s charter meeting and with the same presiding officers and speakers.

While the club’s original address was in Knights, Germiston, it now meets at the Belgravia Bowling Club, Befordfiew, has 19 members and an active and interesting calendar of community service and good fellowship. The club welcomes community minded persons interesting in being part of the fellowship of Rotary and the good work that they do in the community.

Interested person are asked to contact the Club Secretary via email to make arrangements to join one of our weekly meetings held on Wednesday evenings, 18h00 for 18h30 at the Belgravia Bowling Club.