Board Meeting Minutes – 2nd May 2018

Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Venue: – Belgravia Bowling Club Bedfordview
Time: 17H30


1. Welcome:
President Graham Wallett welcomed the members of the Board to the meeting, noting that the requisite quorum of Board members were present and accordingly declared the meeting open for the agenda items to precede.

2. Four Way Test:
PP Kevin Pearson read the Four Way Test.

3. Attendance:
President Graham Wallett, PP Bill Brunjes, PP Ray Hewson, Ron Smith, PP Andy C, PP John A, PP Kevin P, PP Andy S, PP Andy J and Richard Eley.

4. Apologies : None

5. Previous Minutes:
President Graham drew the meetings attention to an amendment to the December Meeting

5.1 Adoption of previous Minutes:
Prop. PP Ray Hewson and Seconded by PP Bill Brunjes

6. Matters Arising
– Nil.

7. Specific items for Board decisions:
President Graham Wallett reported that he, PP Andy S and Ron Daintree attended the RLI course held at our Venue and concluded that it is a must for all future Rotary leaders.

8. Club reports:

8.1 Treasurer: The Treasurer’s report has been circulated to all Members, Richard also mentioned certain collections for the Golf Day have come in. Rotary International dues have been settled

8.2 Fund Raising: PP Bill Brunjes will report in full to the General Meeting but raised issues regarding the Golf Day in which he said he was very happy with the number of 4 Balls received to date and is confident that we will reach our target of 25 4 Balls.

8.3 Service Projects: PP Ron Smith reported that we will be receiving 27 Benches which we will allocate accordingly.

8.4 Rotary Foundation (RIF): Director, John Anticevich reported that he has been asked to co-ordinate the Rotary Health Week

8.5 New Generations/Membership development: Director, PP Kevin P reported that Gavin Hunt is unable to assist at the Leadership Week-End and other arrangements will need to be made. However all arrangements are well under way.

8.6 Club Administration: PP Ray Hewson informed the meeting of our over supply of the old style Club Banners. The hand over meeting date may be problematic.

8.7 Public Relations, IT and Communications: Director, PP Andy Connold informed the meeting of new marketing material for club functions. The RCKP Website is constantly being updated. Ron Daintree is on top of the Facebook Page and regularly posts updates. The WhatsApp groups are regularly used by our members.

8.8 Secretary: No report

9. General: No items raised.

10. Closure: Meeting closed at 18H30

11. The next Board Meeting: 17 H 30 Wednesday 6th  June 2018