Wednesday 7th March 2018
Venue: – Belgravia Bowling Club Bedfordview
Time: 17H30
1. Welcome: President Graham Wallett welcomed the members of the Board to the meeting, noting that the requisite quorum of Board members were present and accordingly declared the meeting open for the agenda items to proceed.
2. Four Way Test: Past President Kevin Pearson read the Four Way Test.
3. Attendance: President Graham Wallett, Past President Ron Smith, President Elect Andy Stevenson, Past President Kevin Pearson, Past President John Anticevich, Past President Bill Brunjes, Past President Andy Connold, Rotarian Richard Eley and Past President Ray Hewson
4. Apologies: Past President Andy Jacobs, Past President Howard Barratt
5. Previous Minutes: Minutes of the Board Meeting held on the 7th February 2018 were tabled and proposed by Past President Kevin Pearson and seconded by Past President John Anticevich.
6. Matters Arising: There no matters from the minutes of the meeting held on 7th February..
7. Specific items for Board decisions: There were no items tabled for decisions at this meeting but President Graham Wallett covered some of the ground work currently in progress regarding the development of formal training to meet the strategic needs of members being prepared prior to taking up leadership roles in the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon. A formal proposal will be tabled for consideration by the Board at its next meeting.
8. Club progress reports:
8.1 Treasurers Report and accounts: for the Rotary year to date, covering the 8 completed months, as at 28th February 2018 were tabled and approved by the board.
The principal of separating funding for charitable projects [Welfare Account] from those to be applied for club use [Club Account] was discussed and agreed by the Board, necessitating an accounting change in respect of the funds generated by the club specifically to cater for its commitments to Rotary International, in respect of allocating funds to Rotary International initiatives such as the Every Rotarian Every Year [ERAY] and Polio Plus.
8.2 Fund Raising: Director Bill Brunjes confirmed fund raising initiatives were making significant progress. While much progress had been made, there were important areas requiring the necessary attention to ensure we succeed.
The Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon Annual golf challenge for 2018 had gained approval by club members.
Arrangements had already been concluded to hold the event at the Glendower Golf course on 23rd May 2018.
A sub-committee had been established and work commenced. In light of the importance of this event for raising charitable funds for projects already in progress and for those still being planned. It had been decided to formally communicate both progress and requirements regularly to members to ensure the success of this event.
The main sponsors of this event had been identified and approached for their support. Significant progress had been made and the necessary communications were being prepared as per their requirements.
Progress in relation to the formal Budget as recorded in our financial accounts would be used to gauge progress and ensure budgets were met.
8.3 Service Projects: Director, Ron Smith reported that Cresset House had outlined a requirements specification on their short to medium term needs. These were under consideration with an initial proposal being developed for approval by the Board for construction of benches for the use of residents as per their requirement specification. Gordon Dewar had been requested to provide a quotation and supporting drawings and specifications for approval prior to commencement.
Ron also reported that, through the efforts of Past President Bill Brunjes, amongst others the Bethany Home restoration project phase 1 [Includes: Complete electrical refurbishment of Reva Court, Complete Fire detection system installed in both buildings, Bathrooms and shower rooms in both buildings renovated, internal and external painting of both buildings, new guttering and downpipes to Reva Court and a Rain water harvesting tank installed) had all but been completed. The next phase had been scoped and work had commenced as planned. The ongoing monthly provision of groceries, personal hygiene products and cleaning materials was also on track as planned.
A new development for our club was the extensive use now being made of the Humanitarian Distribution Centre of Southern Africa (HDCSA) facility by our club. Through a donation of writing materials by Pilot Pen SA, valued at R490, 000, we were able to take on the successful distribution through HDCSA to a range of needy charitable causes who benefitted from this project. We have also become more aware of the capability of the HDCSA infrastructures and we have been successful in obtaining many different forms of useful supplies to the ultimate benefit of the charities we serve.
8.4 Rotary Foundation (RIF): Director, John Anticevich reported on the President Elect’s training Seminar (PETS) which had been specifically designed to deal with a wide range of general Rotary matters to the specific exclusion of Rotary Foundation matters which would be catered for as areas of strategic focus at some date in the future. Generally, the seminar had been very well received with an opportunity for all participants to meet the incoming Rotary International President who was able to be present during PETS.
Funding for certain specific Rotary International initiatives (ERAY US$2000 and Polio Plus US$3000) had been raised and approved for payment in this Rotary Year.
8.4 New Generations/Membership development: Director, PP Kevin P reported that the Leadership Week-end is going well. Schools had been approached and their respective entries were now being received and compiled for organizational purposes. Funds still needed to be raised and final planning on the format of the leadership training program still needs to be finalized.
8.5 Club Administration: Director Administration, Ray Hewson advised that the stock of obsolete club regalia was receiving his attention. The planned distribution and sale of the stock was in progress.
8.6 Public Relations, IT and Communications: Director, Andy Connold advised that significant progress had been made regarding development of the club “members only” private access to certain specific club information on our website. This was due to be implemented during the month of March 2018.
In addition, extensive use was being made of our electronic technology platforms such as social media and internet to advertise and promote the club and in particular events such as the Golf day charity fundraising event. The number of users and the interest shown by the public at large was showing signs of significant improvements.
Rotary international digital media was being introduced to our members and the member registrations had almost achieved full capacity and this will be followed through until complete.
8.7 Secretary: No report
9. General: No items raised.
10. Closure: Meeting closed at 18H30
11. The next Board Meeting: 17 h30 Wednesday 7th March 2018