Board Meeting Minutes – 1 Aug 2018

Wednesday 1st August 2018
Belgravia Bowling Club Bedfordview

17:30 to 18:30 (Followed by Committee meetings)


  1. Welcome: – Acting Chairman Past President Graham Wallett
  2. Four Way Test: – Jim Rankin
  3. Attendance and Apologies:
    3.1. Attendance: – Bill Brunjes, Andy Connold, Richard Eley, Ray Hewson, Kevin Pearson, Jim Rankin, Ron Smith, and Graham Wallett.
    3.2. Apologies: – President Andy Stevenson.
  4. Minutes of the Last Board Meeting: – Approved – Kevin Pearson, Seconded – Andy Connold.
  5. Specific Items for Board Decision:
    5.1. Graham Wallett stated that the Official Rotary exchange rate for July was R/$13.50. In light of the likely deterioration in that rate going forward, he suggested the club should consider paying Foundation and Polio Plus contributions now, subject to availability of funds. Board members agreed to these payments being made at the discretion of the Treasurer and the Director Foundation.
  6. Club Director Reports:
    6.1. Treasurer – Richard Eley needs time to present the accounts at the Club Meeting. Andy Connold said that the accounts were also published on the website.
    6.2. Service Projects:
    6.2.1. Bethany Home – Graham Wallett said that Practical Publishing had raised R24 700.00 from their “Squeegee” project. This donation would go to Bethany Home, but it must be used for repairs and maintenance, not food, so that they could get a Section 18 A certificate.
    6.2.2. Burns Nicht – Ron Smith said that the date would be 26th January 2019 at Johannesburg Country Club (JCC). Tickets would be R1 000.00 a head. He was working on getting a sponsor for the JCC expenses.
    6.2.3. Legae La Nnete – Ron Smith said that we need to set a date for them to host us for a lunch.
    6.2.4. Cresset House – The benches had been sealed and delivered.
    6.2.5. Bursary Project – Andy Connold said that R150 000.00 was required for the Bursary to cover the 5-year period. There were four options for the Bursary money: Pay the money to the school, Hold the money in the Club, Get all the money upfront, or Company pays every year.
    6.3. New Generations and Membership Development – Kevin Pearson said that this would be discussed at the Club meeting on 15th August.
    Sponsorship for the project of R70 000.00 had come in, while expenses were R58 000.00.
    6.4. Public Image, IT and Communications – Andy Connold presented some ideas for pull-up banners. He had looked at My Rotary for suggestions. Important points were networking, fellowship and community service. He wanted to produce four banners and four pull-up banners. He would circulate some ideas for the banners.
    6.5. Fund Raising – The latest figure for the Golf Day income was R88 000.00.
    6.6. Club Administration – nothing to report.
    6.7. Secretary – nothing to report.
  7. General: – Acting Chairman, Past President Graham Wallett thanked members for their attendance.
  8. Closure: – The meeting was closed at 18:30.
  9. Next Board Meeting: – 5th September 2018 at 17:30.