Board Meeting Minutes – 5 Sept 2018

Wednesday 5th September 2018
Belgravia Bowling Club Bedfordview

17:30 to 18:30 (Followed by Committee meetings)


  1. Welcome: – Acting Chairman Past President Graham Wallett
  2. Four Way Test: – Jim Rankin
  3. Attendance and Apologies:
    3.1. Attendance: – Bill Brunjes, Andy Connold, Richard Eley, Ray Hewson, Kevin Pearson, Jim Rankin, Ron Smith, and Graham Wallett.
    3.2. Apologies: – President Andy Stevenson.
  4. Minutes of the Last Board Meeting: – Approved – Andy Connold, Seconded – Ron Smith.
  5. Specific Items for Board Decision:
    5.1. Graham Wallett said that a Section 18 A certificate had been provided for the Morgan Cargo bursary. There were other Section 18 A certificates required.
    5.2. The Youth Leadership Project notes had been circulated. The project should go on, but we needed a thorough review and report back. This needed to be done by November.
  6. Club Director Reports:
    6.1. Succession Plan – Graham Wallett spoke about the 3-year succession plan. Certain Club positions needed to be finalized well before time. He asked if the succession plan could be circulated to the Club as a whole which was agreed by members present. District was using our succession plan as a template for other Clubs.
    6.2. Treasurer – The Treasurer’s report had been circulated. Richard Eley said that there was R32 000.00 in the “Members’ Capitation” account. Members were currently being debited R183.50 per month. He suggested that this be reduced to R120.00 or even R100.00 per month. It was agreed that the amount should be R100.00 per month. Polio Plus had been paid USD2 000.00 and “Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) USD1 900.00. These amounts had been paid at R13.40/USD. Members’ accounts had been debited with R50.00 for Casual Day.
    6.3. Service Projects:
    6.3.1. Bethany Home – Graham Wallett said that Practical Publishing had raised R24 700.00 from their “Squegee” project. This would go to
    Bethany Home, but it must be used for repairs and maintenance, not
    food, so that they could get a Section 18 A certificate.
    6.3.2. Burns Nicht – Ron Smith said that the date would be 26th January 2019 at Johannesburg Country Club (JCC). Tickets would be R1 000.00 a head. He was working on getting a sponsor for the JCC expenses. Nick Andrew had invited the “Atholls”. The deposit needed to be paid 90 days before the event, that is by the end of October. Ian Rigby would be the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Andy Connold offered to publicize the event on the Club website. Graham Wallett said that Club projects needed to be highlighted on the night. Andy Connold would look at this.
    6.3.3. Bursary Project – Andy Connold said that R25 000.00 had been
    raised so far, with a promise of R15 000.00. A further R110 000.00 was
    required. The Roger Federer Trust was mentioned as a possible
    source. Derek Fox has two contacts there. Sylvia Knoop has a contact
    with Marriott/Protea Hotels.
    6.4. New Generations and Membership Development – A report back was required by the end of November.
    6.5. Public Image, IT and Communications – Andy Connold was working on some banner designs.
    6.6. Fund Raising – Bill Brunjes has submitted the NPO/PBO application. It would probably take one to two months to be ratified.
    6.7. Club Administration – Three Members were not eating at meetings. These were Ron McCormick, Andy Jacobs and Ray Hewson. Richard Eley was asked to raise this at the Club meeting as it might prejudice our relations with the caterers.
    6.8. Secretary – nothing to report.
  7. General: – Acting Chairman, Past President Graham Wallett thanked members for their attendance.
  8. Closure: – The meeting was closed at 18:30.
  9. Next Board Meeting: – 3rd October 2018 at 17:30.