Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive and devastating human rights violation that affects both individuals and communities, deeply ingrained in South African society. It is a form of discrimination rooted in power imbalances between genders, often fueled by harmful stereotypes and cultural norms. GBV manifests in various forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse, with lasting impacts on survivors, families, and communities. Addressing GBV requires concerted efforts to challenge harmful norms and promote respect, equality, and dignity for all.
This year, the Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon and associated sponsors unite to stand against GBV. We are committed to addressing the multiple forms of violence that occur, recognizing that GBV affects people of all genders, predominantly perpetrated against women by men. Perpetrators can be intimate partners, acquaintances, strangers, or even institutions. It is often the case that the abuser is known to the victim, such as a family member or partner.
In support of this cause, we are raising funds for the non-profit organization, Bethany Home.
Bethany Home provides refuge for women who have endured abuse, often accompanied by their children, who bear both mental and physical scars. Here, they find not only counseling and healing but also comprehensive support and training to rebuild their lives. Recognizing the profound impact of abuse on children, often considered collateral damage, the facility ensures they receive specialized counseling, education, nurturing, and abundant love to help them heal and thrive. Your donation will help Bethany continue to provide these essential services and support to those in need.
For more information make use of the links above or contact the organiser:
Bill Brunjes
082 443 1519